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writing book 習字本。

writing brush

Will be waived for groups of 20 or more visitors from school and registered non - profit - making organizations upon the production of copy of supporting documents with written booking two weeks before the visit limited quota on a first come , first served basis , 學校和注冊非牟利機構須提供證明文件副本在兩個星期前以書面申請參觀展覽廳,如人數不少于20人,可獲豁免入場費名額有限,先到先得,詳情請致電2734 2720查詢

Admission charges will be waived for groups of 20 or more visitors from school and registered non - profit - making organizations ( upon the production of copy of supporting documents ) with written booking two weeks before the visit ( limited quota on a first come , first served basis ) 學校和注冊非牟利機構(須提供證明文件副本)在兩個星期前以書面申請參觀展覽廳,如人數不少于20人,可獲豁免入場費(名額有限,先到先得)

These immigrant intellectuals , with their advanced conception and experience in managing the publishing industry , started to publish periodicals and newspapers as well as to write books , thereby facilitating the booming and unprecedented prosperity of the industry in west china 他們運用自身較為先進的新聞出版理念和經驗,出刊辦報、著書立說,使西部地區的新聞出版事業得到了快速發展,出現了從未有過的興盛局面。

If any special arrangement of computing facilities andor software , user account ( s ) are required , it must be clearly specified in the written booking request . such requests should be submitted to csb two days in advance to allow enough time for them to be checked and processed 如果需要使用特別的電腦設施,軟件或用戶帳戶,請預早兩天申請,以便電腦部有足夠的時間檢查及安排。

One day this chi - kung master received a dinner invitation from a friend who wrote books on the subject . the friend admired this master very much because the friend only knew the theory of chi - kung but he had not yet achieved a comparable level 有一天,有位著作過這方面書的朋友,邀請氣功師叁加一個餐會,這位朋友很推崇氣功師這位朋友只知道氣功的原理,還是初入門的階段。

Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty - four i tried to adandon this idea , but i did so with the consciousness that i was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later i should have to settle down and write books 從15到24歲的這段時間里,我試圖打消這個念頭,可總覺得這樣做是在戕害我的天性,認為我遲早會坐下來伏案著書。

Not so long ago , producers and film stars who fell out with studio bosses might retire to write books with titles like “ you ' ll never eat lunch in this town again ” 前不久還打算“隱退”著書(標題就用《你再也無法在這個小鎮上吃到午餐》如此云云)的制片商和跟公司老總鬧翻的電影明星們,這些天與一些私募股本公司打得火熱,紛紛重操舊業。

We throw our parties ; we abandon our families to live alone in canada ; we struggle to write books that do not change the world , despite our gifts and unstinting efforts , our most extravagant hopes 我們舉行宴會,我們拋棄家庭獨自住在加拿大,我們埋首寫作,盡管我們才氣縱橫,而且嘔心瀝血,抱著殷切的期望,但那些書仍無法改變世界。

Stewart , t . intellectual capital . london : nicholas brealey publishing , 1997 . ( a light , well - written book on knowledge management written by the journalist who is credited for drawing attention to the issue 《智力資本》 ,倫敦:尼古拉斯-布萊雷出版社, 1997 . (一本既薄且好的書,關于知識管理問題,由在這方面很有造詣的記者所寫。 )

Fortunately , just as renaissance apprentices had masters to teach them the trade , we have knowledgeable journeymen who work alongside us , and even masters who write books and papers to guide us 幸運的是,正如同文藝復興時期的大師教課一樣,我們身邊有知識淵博的老師,甚至寫書和發表文章的大師級人物指導著我們。

Simaqian inherited the tradition that the various scholars and thinkers in pre - qin times wrote books privately , developed the undertaking of confucius in writing 《 spring and autumn 》 , then formed his personal opinion 司馬遷繼承先秦諸于私家著書的傳統,發揚光大了孔子作《春秋》的事業, “成一家之言” 。

Davenport t . , and l . prusack . working knowledge . boston , ma : harvard business school press , 1997 . ( a very well written book on knowledge management from a practical perspective 《信息生態學:控制信息和知識的環境》 。牛津大學出版社, 1997 (一本能引發人們思考的書,它從理論的角度來描寫信息。 )

Davenport t . , and l . prusack . working knowledge . boston , ma : harvard business school press , 1997 . ( a very well written book on knowledge management from a practical perspective 《資訊生態學:控制資訊和知識的環境》 。牛津大學出版社, 1997 (一本能引發人們思考的書,它從理論的角度來描寫資訊。 )

Rwandan children ' s book publisher says that humorous , well - written books can help children learn about their culture , communicate better and inspire them to create stories as well 盧安達童書出版商表示,內容幽默、有意義的書能幫助孩童學習本國文化、人際互動更好,也會啟發他們創造故事。

Freebsd documentation is available as a concisely written book , on the internet and on paper , covering each and every aspect of the system in a pleasant and considered style Freebsd文檔以簡明的圖書形式在internet上和紙張上出現,并以令人愉悅和合理的形式介紹每個系統和系統的每個方面。

As i joined these two great motivators , i also wrote books on how to succeed , how not to fail and how to make your dreams come true . these success principles became public domain 我們要教人如何實現夢想,這成為了大眾所關注的,接著有很多人加入,聽我們的分享并寫出他們的書。

They would speak of this place . . atlantis . . . and write books and movies about it so people would remember their time in this lost civilization 他們就會談到這個地方. .亞特藍提斯島. . .而將它寫成書和拍成電影,這樣人們就會在這消失的文明里回憶起他們的時間。

Plato writes books by his oral recounted with teacher of socrates , when the mind removes the human body to yearn for truth time , by thought was best now 柏拉圖著書以他的老師蘇格拉底之口表述說,當心靈摒絕肉體?而向往著真理的時候,這時的思想才是最好的。

He has written books on xml , java , data binding , and enterprise applications , and is the author of over 50 articles on enterprise programming 他編寫過關于xml 、 java 、數據綁定和企業應用程序的書籍,并撰寫過50多篇關于企業編程的文章。